THANK YOU for your interest in volunteering. There are many roles and positions that can be adopted to help contribute to your local sports team! Some examples are coach, team manager, referee, board member, and more.
Criminal Record Checks and completion of the Respect in Sports program are mandatory for anyone volunteering to work with players registered with MCMS.
Criminal Record Checks can be obtained from the Maple Creek RCMP detachment. To set up a record check, or to see if your record check has expired, please contact Ashley Boisvert at ashleybvert@gmail.com or call 1.403.363.4393
The Respect in Sports program must be completed online before going onto the ice or baseball field. If you have already completed the Respect in Sport course and it is up to date, you do not have to redo the course. Please check your Respect in Sport account to see if you are required to recertify. Click here for Hockey Respect in Sport
Click here for all other Respect in Sport programs
HOCKEY COACHES must complete all necessary certificates through the national coaching certification program.
The NCCP required certification level necessary depends on the division you'd like to coach:
Coach 1 – Intro to Coach: Minimum requirement for two U7 coaches and all U9 coaches
Coach 2 – Coach Level: Minimum requirement for all head coaches in U11, U13, U15, and U18 divisions
Checking Skills: Minimum requirement for all coaches in U9, U11, U13, U15, U16, U17, and U18 divisions
Goalie Certification: At least 1 coach per division must complete this course.
Safety Course: At least 1 coach per division must complete this course.
All on-ice instructors over the age of 16 must have “Respect in Sport Coach”.
Respect in Sport is required by anyone volunteering to work with players that are registered with MCMS.
MCMS occasionally brings in outside help for our coaches and players. As a coach, you are expected to embrace, encourage, utilize and incorporate this help within your team. This may include power skating, coach mentoring, etc.
NOTE: Two coaches in the U7 program must complete the “Coach 1 - Intro” to coach at this level. One coach must have the “Safety Course.”
All coaches in the U9 level must complete the “Coach 1 - Intro” and “Checking” courses. For the U9, U11, U13, U15 and U18 levels one coach must have the “Safety Course” and the “Goalie Certification.”
It is highly recommended (but not mandatory) that Assistant coaches take the above mentioned courses as well.